Published: Dec 20, 2021

The morphological identity of the riverside front: the case of Campos dos Goytacazes and the Paraíba do Sul river

01-22 Mariana Cristina Sala Oliveira Reis

Sustainable cities and technology: a critical analysis on the “Small Big Life” movie

23-38 Dominique Borges Queiroz Julio, Cássia Maria de Assis Rangel Melo, Sergio Rafael Cortes de Oliveira

University contributions to the social entrepreneurship ecosystem: a systematic review

39-53 Elizabeth Landim Gomes Siqueira, Rafaela Landim Gomes Siqueira Reis, Alber F. S. Neto, Pompílio Guimarães Reis Filho

Rain operation in Salvador:institutional actions, costs and interactions

54-68 Gizele Ferreira Reis, Telma TEIXEIRA, Frank Pavan, João Paulo Moreira de Carvalho Souza

The media and the publications of addiction phenomenon

69-87 Érica Henrique Ribeiro-Andrade, Milena Ribeiro Siqueira, Cezar Villaça Azeredo, Raphael Fonseca Braga de Melo, Rebecca Rodrigues Cedro de Brito