Published: Sep 9, 2021


01-02 Maria das Graças Machado Freire


03-04 Ronaldo de Sousa Araújo


05-08 Ronaldo de Sousa Araújo

Uncomplicated science: dissemination of ISECENSA's scientific production on Instagram

09-10 Clara Fernanda de Souza Barcelos, Lucas Gomes de Freitas, Bárbara Ferreira de Oliveira, Maria das Graças Machado Freire

Role of the elderly in the labor market from the perspective of education level

11-12 Marco Aurélio da Cunha Soares Neto, Chesil Batista Silva

Empreendedorismo acadêmico – A aplicabilidade das teses de doutores e doutorandos de Campos dos Goytacazes – RJ no mercado empreendedor

13-14 Lorena Rayra Fonseca Ferreira, Chesil Batista Silva

Application of the circular economy in the industrial scrap management process: a case study in the Açu Port Complex

15-16 Arthur Messias Sodré Cunha, Jully do Nascimento Germano, Gustavo Tavares Machado, Frank Pavan de Souza

Model for investigation of the new consumption normal caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – a perspective of the Campos dos Goytacazes market

17-18 Laís Novaes Pillar de Oliveira Castro, Túlio Baita dos Reis, Laylla Alves Rodrigues Manhães, Marco Aurélio da Cunha Soares Neto

Financial Analysis: A Study on the Liquidity and Indebtedness of Brazilian Companies Listed on the Bovespa Index in the Period of Social Isolation Caused by Covid-19

19-20 Iury Pessanha Barreto, Saulo Jardim de Araujo

The impact of the anchoring heuristic on the financial decision-making process of elderly people in relation to the acquisition of payroll-deductible loans

21-22 Beatriz Maia Bragança, Chesil Batista Silva

Study of changes in urban planning in the revision of the city plan for Campos dos Goytacazes

23-24 Ronaldo de Sousa Araújo, Raphael Paixão Cardoso, Zélia Maria Peixoto Chrispim

Verification of urban policy instruments in the Campos dos Goytacazes City Plans

25-26 Ronaldo de Sousa Araújo, Eugênio Bartnig de Oliveira Abreu, Juliana Landim Gomes Siqueira, Zélia Maria Peixoto Chrispim

Urban Landscape in the Historic Center of Campos dos Goytacazes: the effect of oil royalties on the use of public and private spaces between 1996 and 2020Urban Landscape in the Historic Center of Campos dos Goytacazes: the effect of oil royalties on the u

27-28 Victoria Barcelos Jorge da Silveira, Diego Moreira Souza, Fabrício Peixoto Alvarengas

Literature review to determine what is the degree of BIM maturity in University education Institutions of Architecture and Urbanism and Civil Engineering

29-30 Bruna Viveiros Machado, Laís Vieira Azeredo de Sousa, Zélia mar, Tatiana Salema Marques Portella

Urban sidewalks, dysfunction and chaos on the projected floor. The search for accessible pavements and sustainable mobility

31-32 Clara Domiciano Fidalgo, Isabela Machado Santos, Caroline de A. Nogueira, Mª Clara Souza Portugal, Lídia Maria T. Martins

The virtual reality use for architectural design study

33-34 Isabela Gonçalves Magalhães, Júlia Alves dos Santos, Pedro Vitor de Freitas Muzy Lopes, Gisa Márcia Dutra Valente, Laura Cremoneze Rangel da Silva, Janine Fonseca Matos Xavier, Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário, Luis Gustavo de Souza Xavier

Free and paid software on Architecture and Urbanism: Essential tools for the contemporary professional activity

35-36 Alber Francisco dos Santos Neto, Gabriel Dias Venâncio

Public policies for the homeless population and the guarantee of an existential minimum

37-38 Bruna Nunes Vasconcelos, Manoela Nunes Machado, Juliana Landim Gomes Siqueira

Restorative justice and the resolution of judicial conflicts: na analysis of the restorative justice Program of the General Department of Social and Education Actions (DEGASE – RJ).

39-40 Marina Vitória Abrahão Cabral, Valdir Júnio dos Santos

History and updates on three decades of practice and evolution of the Child and Adolescent Statute – ECA

41-42 Maria Eduarda Paes Rodrigues, Marina Vitória Abrahão, Lorena Borsoi Agrizzi de Matos

Public policies and social rights: employment and income in Brazil

43-44 Semirames Khattaa, Bárbara Laurindo da Silva, Manuela Pereira Gomes

Affirmative action and justice policies: an analysis of the understanding of law course students about the legal reservation of places for access to higher education

45-46 Thamyres Cavalcante de Melo, Bianca Gomes da Silva Muylaert Monteiro de Castro

Educação em Direitos Humanos: a conscientização de direitos como prevenção ao bullying nas escolas

47-48 Cláudia Hellen dos Santos Clemente Damasceno, Indiara Viana Ribeiro Ajame, Lara Rodrigues dos Santos Cesário, Shirles Bernardo Gomes, Bianca Gomes da Silva Muylaert Monteiro de Castro

The impacts of the Digital Age on the formation of readers in the early years of Elementary School

49-50 Glória Estéfany Freitas Barbosa, Larissa da Silva Gomes, Margaret Fernandes Coelho de Oliveira, Ana Raquel de Souza Pourbaix Diniz

The Use of Digital Technologies as a Pedagogical Tool for Students with Visual Impairments

51-52 Ana Luiza de Castro Barreto, Gabrielle silva de Araújo, Maria Eduarda Ribeiro Galdino, Rayça Gomes Batista, Ana Raquel de Souza Pourbaix Diniz, Teresa Claudina de Oliveira Cunha

Coronavirus Post Pandemic Professor

53-54 Júlia da Silva Caldas, Larissa da Silva Gomes, Juliana Pessanha Falcão, Luzia Alves de Carvalho

University Neighborhood: an analysis of extension activities developed in the Tamarindo Community

55-56 Francine da Silva Ferreira, Teresa Claudina de Oliveira Cunha, Juliana Pessanha Falcão

The use of Technologies based on social networks for the dissemination of scientific studies and papers

57-58 Layla Fernanda Pereira de Oliveira Souza, Anthone Mateus Magalhães Afonso, Teresa Claudina de Oliveira Cunha

Taking care of the caregiver: the meanings unveiled to the caregiver of people with disabilities

59-60 Andressa Brito da Silva, Gabriela Gonzaga Magalhães da Silva, Caroline de Souza e Silva Guimarães, Carla Aparecida Lourdes dos S. de Azevedo, Patrick Wagner de Azevedo

Spirituality as psychological support in the care of patients undergoing paleative care

61-62 Amanda Souza Pereira Sales, Cecília Souza França, Larissa Miranda dos Santos, Poliana G. V. Oliveira dos Santos, Murialdo Gasparet, Paula Márcia Seabra de Sousa

Contributions of Neuropsychological evaluation to the Psychotherapy process in children with ADHD traces

63-64 Edelma Paes Pereira da Silva, Maria Clara Ribeiro Miranda, Thalia Soares da Silva Dias, Scheilla Maria Ribeiro Rocha Ferreira, Sananda Lopes Soares

The psychosocial impacts of remote education on black youth: an intersectional debate on the COVID-19 pandemic, gender, race and class

65-66 Daianne Possoly da Silva Alves, Franciele Therezinha Magno Calidoni, Mariana Sales de Oliveira, Thaís Araújo de Azevedo, Thalissa Bastos Batista, Rafaela Pinheiro de Almeida Neves, Edson Ribeiro de Andrade

Contributions of spirituality to the mental health of patients in oncological treatment

67-68 Elias de Oliveira Sousa, Amanda Souza Pereira Sales, Cecília Souza França, Murialdo Gasparet, Paula Márcia Seabra de Sousa

Subjectivity and media production on drug addiction

69-70 Milena Ribeiro Siqueira, Cezar Villaça Azeredo, Raphael Fonseca Braga de Melo, Rebecca Rodrigues Cedro de Brito, Érica Henrique Ribeiro-Andrade