Human and Social2024-12-27T19:12:25+00:00Bianca Gomes da Silva Muylaert Monteiro de Journal Systems<p><strong>DOI Prefix:</strong>10.25242.<strong><br>ISSN: </strong>2236-8876.<strong><br>Frequency: </strong> 4 issue per year.<strong><br>Citation analysis: </strong>Google Scholar.<strong><br>Processing time: </strong>30 days.<strong><br></strong><strong>Impact Factor (CiteFactor): </strong>1.3</p> path of recognition of access to education for students with disabilities2024-04-16T23:13:53+00:00Maria José Gomes da Silva Castromariacastro.uff@hotmail.comGerson Tavares do<p>Inclusive Education in Brazilian Basic Education has created a rich research agenda, considering all the inputs that public schools face to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities in the mainstream system. It is well known that a policy for the inclusion of persons with disabilities is not only effective as a means of expanding or accessing this group in the regular education system, but appears to be being achieved through the implementation of specific laws such as the Disability Statute, or ECA, LDBEN and BNCC, it is necessary to ensure the permanence of these children in educational institutions. In this sense, through bibliographic research, this article seeks to analyze inclusive education in daily school life, starting a brief history of education in Brazil to understand inclusive education and learning of people with disabilities in mainstream education.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Maria José Gomes da Silva Castro, Gerson Tavares do Carmo protection of polyamorous families under brazilian law2024-11-11T17:46:45+00:00Bruno Gomes Reis Vitor Lopes Sant Anna Landim Gomes Siqueira<p>The Federal Constitution of 1988 marked a new milestone in Family Law, often referred to as Family Law in the plural. Discussions about different types of families were already taking place in various fields of knowledge, beyond the factual reality and private autonomy of individuals—an important factor in ensuring their human dignity. Despite the new directions brought by the new constitutional order, the recognition of certain families remains contentious and not yet settled. The lack of recognition of polyamorous families can lead to situations of extreme injustice, imposing a suppression of private autonomy under the pretext of arguments in favor of morality and good customs. To understand the context of polyamorous families in Brazil as well as in the Western context, it was necessary to identify the contemporary foundations of family law, analyze the relevant jurisprudence, and review scope research to grasp the historical moment Brazil is in and how other countries handle such situations. Therefore, bibliographic research and documentary analysis were conducted through reading books, scientific articles, jurisprudence, and legislation. Thus, the aim is to understand the legal treatment of polyamorous families in Brazil and how other countries address such situations.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bruno Gomes Reis , Carlos Vitor Lopes Sant Anna , Juliana Landim Gomes Siqueira and the right to name: functionalizing public records 2024-11-22T23:24:32+00:00Bruno Gomes Reis Vitor Lopes Sant Anna Leite Cabral Loureiro Coutinho<p>The changes to the Public Records Law (PRL), introduced by Law 14.382/2022, have further destabilized the principle of name immutability, prohibiting, however, the confidentiality of such changes prioritize legal certainty. The impact of this change on transgender individuals has not been sufficiently assessed, especially when considering the protection granted by the Supreme Federal Court in ADI 4275. This hyper-vulnerable group faces multiple social barriers, and the legislative change may further strain these legal relationships by imposing a situation of true erasure of their real existence. The name is an important element of human personality, and thus its protection is crucial for the self-determination of individuals. This study addresses the changes in the PRL and the marginalization of transgender people as a hyper-vulnerable group, and how the breakdown of the confidentiality of name changes can affect them by imposing barriers to the adoption of a social name due to the requirement for publicity of notarial and registral acts, a principle governing public records. To achieve this, it was necessary to identify the history of name protection in Brazil and understand the legal repercussions of the legislative change on vulnerable groups. Thus, bibliographic research and documentary analysis were carried out, involving the reading of specialized legal works, scientific articles, jurisprudence, and special and related legislation. In light of the balance between the publicity of public records and the principles of non-discrimination and personal identity, this study aims to demonstrate the hypothesis of undue publicity, which generates undue embarrassment that violates the dignity of transgender individuals.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bruno Gomes Reis , Carlos Vitor Lopes Sant Anna , Luiza Leite Cabral Loureiro Coutinho contribution post-labor reform: constitutionality impacts and vices2024-11-11T17:47:34+00:00Marina Vitória Abrahão Medeiros de<p>The purpose of this research is to briefly explain the system adopted by the Brazilian legal system regarding union revenues, highlighting the change brought by Law nº. 13,467/2017, known as the “Labor Reform”, which made the payment of the last type of until then compulsory union revenue, the union contribution, optional, as well as analyzing the impacts and defects of unconstitutionality of the aforementioned law, especially after the manifestation of the Federal Supreme Court regarding its constitutionality.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Vitória Abrahão Cabral, Velbert Medeiros de Paula installment benefit: impact on brazilian poverty2024-11-11T17:48:15+00:00Paulo Vitor Oliveira Pereira Palmeira Dos Batista<p>The high rates of poverty and inequality in Brazil are structural problems with historical roots that still persist. Poverty and income distribution are, therefore, issues to be addressed through strategies and interventions in the social context. In an attempt to overcome the poverty situation of Brazilians, several assistance programs were implemented over time, among which the Continuous Payment Benefit stands out. The general objective of this work was to discuss the results presented in the literature on the direct income transfer program Benefício de Prestação Continuada and argue about the advantages and disadvantages in its implementation with regard to overcoming poverty and inequalities among Brazilian citizens. This is a bibliographical research, with a quantitative and documentary approach of an exploratory and descriptive nature. As a result of this study, it is concluded that direct income transfer programs are insufficient to meet basic survival needs and that a program without an exclusionary eligibility system would be more effective.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Paulo Vitor Oliveira Felix, Daniela Pereira Palmeira Dos Santos, Chesil Batista Silva mediation: from the ignorant schoolmaster to the emancipator2024-11-06T21:32:43+00:00Maria Luíza Motta<p>School mediation emerges as a response to the complexities and demands of school inclusion, seeking to ensure specialized support in the educational environment. The Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDBEN) guarantees students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) the right to an inclusive environment and appropriate mediation. In this context, the role of the school mediator is fundamental, working directly with students, intervening to enhance the process of learning, socialization, and development. The mediator must take on the role of emancipator, stimulating students' interest and promoting meaningful learning that values the student's autonomy and citizenship. Therefore, school mediation goes beyond a simple adaptation to school rules, aiming to create forms of interaction and learning that broaden students' horizons. In this sense, the present article aims to analyze the importance of intellectual emancipation in the context of school mediation. For this purpose, a qualitative and exploratory bibliographic review is used to investigate and synthesize the existing knowledge on school mediation and its emancipatory character. Thus, this research hopes to prove the importance of stimulating school mediation in order to develop student autonomy.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Luíza Motta Barreto communication: assistive technology and language development2024-11-11T17:39:23+00:00Gabriella Quirino Luíza Motta Barretomalu.mbarreto70@gmail.comTeresa Claudina de Oliveira<p>Alternative Communication allows individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who face challenges in social interaction and reciprocal communication, to appropriate language. The adoption of AAC in daily life provides the necessary assistance for building autonomy and full use of communicative functions, thus fostering the interactive process and social integration. The central objective of the research is to analyze the contributions of AAC to the development of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). For this purpose, a qualitative and exploratory literature review is conducted to understand the impacts of this tool on communication and the development of cognitive, social, and communicative skills in individuals with ASD. It is hoped that, through this research, Augmentative and Alternative Communication will be understood and utilized by education professionals as an instrument for transforming realities and enhancing communicative appropriation.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriella Quirino Soares, Maria Luíza Motta Barreto, Teresa Claudina de Oliveira Cunha of BIM methodology in architectural offices: productivity potentials and challenges2024-11-11T23:33:26+00:00Kéven Moura Figueirakevenarquitetura@gmail.comLuis Gustavo de Souza Fonseca Matos Miguel Gomes Januá<p>This article aims to analyze the productivity gains resulting from the adoption of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology in architectural firms, in addition to discussing the challenges faced for its effective implementation. While traditional design production methods have only digitalized drawings made on drawing boards, BIM stands out as a disruptive process, capable of significantly changing organizational processes and providing a real increase in productivity. However, adopting BIM is not simple, and architectural firms face several difficulties until achieving its full use. The existing literature generally defines BIM by emphasizing its benefits and modeling principles. Among the various functionalities that make BIM a transformative tool, collaborative work and interoperability stand out. In Brazil, the adoption of BIM began around the year 2000, following international trends. Although difficulties were encountered in its implementation, productivity gains were observed. This study is based on a literature review and analysis of case studies to identify the challenges faced by firms, in addition to evaluating the productivity gains obtained by those who use BIM technology. From the analysis of the data collected, it is clear that, although BIM technology is still little used in Brazil, the majority of cases analyzed point to the need for its implementation.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kéven Moura Figueira, Luis Gustavo de Souza Xavier, Janine Fonseca Matos Xavier, Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário BIM platform in the professionals' daily life: an analysis of implementation in offices2024-11-18T17:45:26+00:00Stéphanie Marie Ribeiro Curvelo Matosstephaniemr133@gmail.comRonaldo de Sousa Araú<p>The civil construction scenario in Brazil based on the projects sector has flaws that compromise the system as a whole, there are some: delays; design errors; loss or excess of material due to failure in specification; increase in budgeting inputs; etc. The objective of this research was to analyze the BIM by the scope of the implementation of the platform in the architecture/engineering offices in Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ. The object of study are construction companies and professionals, with whom the implementation of the BIM philosophy was discussed. Interviews with students made it possible to record the phase of introduction of information technologies in the academies. This article has an exploratory character and was carried out through qualitative and quantitative interviews with different target audiences in the civil construction sector, which resulted in: (i) an increasingly comprehensive dissemination among professionals and academics as required by the government; (ii) many summarize BIM in the use of isolated software; and (iii) the need to implement BIM depends on factors such as the dissemination and adaptation of the system and compliance with government requirements.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Stéphanie Marie Ribeiro Curvelo Matos, Ronaldo de Sousa Araújo of 3D printing on the development of academic architectural projects2024-11-11T17:42:47+00:00Luis Gustavo de Souza Fonseca Matos Miguel Gomes Januá<p>The introduction of 3D prototyping tools, particularly 3D printing, is transforming production processes in architecture, both in project development and construction. This study investigated the impact of these technologies on architectural education through a review of recent literature on the application of prototyping in architecture courses. The analysis revealed that 3D printing enhances visualization and problem detection in projects, allowing for precise adjustments and a deeper understanding of architectural forms. The methodology included a review of articles on the introduction and use of 3D printing in education, highlighting benefits such as the creation of detailed models and improved team collaboration. It is concluded that, despite the challenges associated with adapting to and learning new tools, the integration of 3D printing into architectural projects education presents a promising future, enhancing project design and students' design skills.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Gustavo de Souza Xavier, Janine Fonseca Matos Xavier, Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário