Published: Mar 31, 2021

Comparative study of proximity and quality of results between a low-cost measurement system with strain gauges and numeric and analytical solutions

1-23 Walter Mota da Fonseca, Wender Henrique de Souza Araújo, Douglas Abreu da Rocha, Francisco Gomes Soares Sanches Manso, Alexandre Augusto Moraes Nogueira

Reverse engineering application in an electric winch

24-43 Huesllyn Jankovski, Diego Alves de Miranda

Analysis of the use of photovoltaic energy in universities

44-54 Gabriel Lourena Néia Oliveira, Victória Ribeiro da Silva, Leandra Altoé

Physical and chemical analysis of the aerobic biodegradation organic compound

55-66 Liciane Oliveira da Rosa, Karine Fonseca de Souza, Luciara Bilhalva Corrêa, Érico Kunde Corrêa